
Edited and produced by Contredanse.
Conception, design and production by Baptiste Andrien & Florence Corin (for Contredanse) in collaboration with Anna Halprin.
Filming Paris workshop: Peter Hulton.
Filming and interview with Anna Halprin: Baptiste Andrien & Florence Corin (for Contredanse).
Editing: Baptiste Andrien, Caroline Boillet & Florence Corin (for Contredanse).
Mix: Aurélien Lebourg.
Original DVD-ROM programming: Émeric Florence –
Webapp development: Nils Lopez, Sébastien Vanvelthem.
Graphic design: Philippe Koeune –
French translation and subtitles: Denise Luccioni.
English translation: Hazel Carrie.
French proofreading for the booklet: Muriel Rochlenko.
English proofreading for the booklet: Sam Davies.

We would particularly like to thank Stephanie Earle and Julie Numrich, as well as Ruedi Gerber, Mike King, Matt Krush, Eeo Stubblefield, le Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles in Paris, Janice Ross, Andy Abraham Wilson and all the workshop participants.

This publication was supported by: le ministère de la Culture de la Fédération Wallonie- Bruxelles, Service de la Danse, la Ville de Bruxelles (échevinat des Beaux-Arts) and la Cocof.

« Nouvelle librairie de la Danse »

Published with the help of le Centre National du Livre and le ministère de la Culture et de la Communication (Direction de la musique, de la danse, du théâtre et des spectacles).



Contredanse Editions

Anna Halprin, Tamalpa Institute and Daria Halprin: